Technical Management

Underpinning our adeptness in offering a full portfolio of third party technical ship management services is our team of highly skilled and dedicated superintendents. We monitor the vessels' performance closely to ensure optimum operating efficiency. Further, ships under our care are inspected at regular intervals by the superintendent concerned to follow up on all aspects of shipboard operational matters and to maintain an active contact with the vessel.

More than allocating the best-suited superintendent to a ship, we take special interest to maintain a good superintendent / vessel allocation ratio to ensure vessels under his charge get prompt attention at all times. It is this commitment from AMOS SHIP MANAGEMENT PVT. LTD. that assures every vessel's operating requirements are met and vessel operating condition is always at its peak. The sustained optimal vessel performance and cost savings that result demonstrates the quality of our technical management services.

We offer full technical support. State of the art technology is implemented at fleet level & condition monitoring techniques are in place to prevent sudden and costly failures. Risk assessment tools are widely used so as to identify critical equipment or components and plan their maintenance accordingly, ensuring a flawless and cost efficient operation at all times.

We provide superior technical ship management to its clients including:

  • dotimage Repairs and Maintenance
  • Dry Docking and Special Surveys
  • Audits & Inspections
  • Safety and Quality
  • dotimage Environmental Compliance Services
  • dotimage Risk Assessment
  • Emergency Response Management
  • Meeting Third Party quality assurance compliance
  • Oil Majors' acceptability requirements
  • Feasibility project management